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About the Book

Pain Truth Makes Sense

There are currently several textbooks and thousands of medical research studies on the topic of persistent pain. What is pain? Why do people feel it? Where exactly does it come from? What is the precise physiology behind pain? Most importantly, how can pain be eliminated or at least reduced? The answers to these questions continuously evolve and change with each new research study published in journals around the world. Every year, hundreds of new studies attempt to answer these questions. This book’s purpose is to provide a summary of the multitude of “pain” studies in ten simplified lessons. I make an assumption that most individuals who must cope with persistent pain do not have the time, energy or ability to research and comprehend this tremendously complex topic. The intention of this book is to take advanced scientific knowledge and present them in easy-to-follow lay terms.

The Pain Truth and Understanding the role of the Vagus Nerve restores balance within your body systems, increases circulation, and boosts your immunity and vibration heightening your own body’s innate ability to self-heal. When you establish a higher baseline, EVERY part of your life benefits. Your body is not an enemy.

Your BODY MAKES SENSE. Listen to your Body, it Makes Sense.

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